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UFD series universal rubber spray gun
  • UFD series universal rubber spray gun

UFD series universal rubber spray gun

Can optimize the arrangement of glue
The position of the stable rubber band line
Improve the ability to resist creep
Reduce the consumption of glue
Technical scope:
Compatibility of modules and nozzles
Nozzle aperture: 0.51 mm (0.020 inches)
Distance from nozzle to substrate: contact
Glue flow rate: 2.5 to 25 grams per minute per dispensing hole
Maximum weight: 25-100 milligrams per strand per meter
Production speed: 100-400 meters per minute (330-1968 feet)
Adhesive viscosity range: 8000-15000 cps (recommended 10000 cps)
Working temperature: 70 ℃ -205 ℃ (160F-400F)
Air consumption: 0.07 to 0.21 standard cubic inches per share per minute
Air pressure (typical): 0.3-1 bar (5-15 kilograms per square centimeter)
Working adhesive pressure: 13.8-55.2 bar (200-800 kilograms per square centimeter)
Maximum hydraulic pressure: 89.6 bar (1300 kilograms per square centimeter)
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